Home Student CornerPromotion


Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the pupil hence importance of regularity in attendance and work is imperative. For final computation of the marks from classes II to VIII onwards 20% of the Weekly test, 30% of the HalfYearly and 50% of the Annual Examination is taken into consideration. For classes IX and Xl first terminal, second terminal and annual examination is conducted.

For classes X and XII first terminal, second terminal and Pre-Board examinations are conducted. Marks scored by the students in first and second terms are shown as such. In the column of final term, marks entered are based on 70% of what the child has scored in the preb oard examination and 30% of the weekly tests.

The general criteria for promotion is that the student has grasped the subject matter of his/her present class sufficiently well to follow the syllabus at the higher class easily.

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